What's Out Of Alignment? The Oct 16, 2020 Super New Moon In Libra (Mars & Mercury RX) Will Show Us!

The Super New Moon in Libra Friday October 16th at 3:30pm EST is a powerful one!

Fill your cup first:

This is the time to learn and actively put your needs first. It's how we can be our most effective. Especially if people make you feel like you shouldn't.

Return to ourselves:

Remember what YOUR soul pulls you towards. Face any unhealed wounds and traumas. Running doesn't create balance facing them does. It may feel like you're going backwards but you're actually moving forwards.


Mercury RX is reminding us to be VERY mindful with our words. What's said may not be what's heard. Just like the old game "telephone" that some of us played as kids messages easily but unintentionally change as they're passed along. Be as clear and concise as possible.

Dense, heated energy:

Mars RX brings us INTENSE heated energies that brings unresolved issues bubbling back to the surface. It may present as flared tempers or a feeling that you're going backwards instead of forwards. Feel it, move through it and keep angry, heated emotions from taking over and staying longer then necessary for full release.

Allow the dust to settle:

The recent fiery full moon in Aries stirred up a lot of stagnant emotions and energy. Let the refreshing air of Libra blow through and help us release what needs to go. Don't resist.

Spotlight on relationships:

Any relationships that are imbalanced will be spotlighted. Honestly take time to identify relationships that consistently drain you. Also look at the one's in balance and alignment with where you are headed. Third, identify the ones who recharge you. Be mindful that you aren't the "drainer" in relationships with a "recharger" and vice versa. Don't unsee what is revealed.

Powerful intuitive insights:

Many will experience more "downloads", intuitive clarity, vivid dreams with a message, psychic clarity and a continuing thinning of the veil between 3D and 5-9D consciousness. Be open to receive and act upon more frequent "Aha!" moments.

Step out of shame and blame:

This is a powerful time to do important sacral chakra healing work. This chakra is made underactive by shame and blame. Actively practice self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others. This does not excuse others for harm they've done but instead releases you from the poison of holding onto resentments or needing closure that may not come from outside influences. That's a heavy bag to carry so take back your power and give that gift to yourself.

Spiritual awakenings intensified:

Activated by the star Arcturus during this New Moon, this bright start in our solar system is believed to be home to an advanced Starseed race known as the Arcturians. They show themselves to me as light and indigo blue light beings centered in truth, love and healing. They are pure Light and their presence is very healing. This energy reminds us to focus on love, be kind to ourselves, each other and practice forgiveness.

Things out of balance revealed:

Anything in life that is out of balance will become abundantly clear. Learn from this and make adjustments to realign and stay aligned.

Receive more Spirit Guide messages:

If open to these types of sacred energies and the ways they reach us our Angels and Spirit Guides are ready to help us on a deeper soul level. There is nothing to fear in this. There is only love.

Libra Supermoon 8 Card Spread Reading Emailed in 1-5 Business Days:


Libra New Moon Healing and Release Ritual:

On one piece of paper write down 5-10 things you want to and are READY to release.

On another piece of paper write down 5-10 changes you will make to get your life more in alignment with your soul.

Near the time of this New Moon SAFELY burn the list of things you're ready to actively release. The more powerful the release the more flame it will create when thrown into fire. Let go and allow things to be transmuted into air from the fire.🔥

Take the 2nd list (of 5-10 changes) and leave it outside under the moon and stars. You can increase the frequency of this manifesting, healing act by placing crystals, herbs or any other sacred items on the piece of paper. You can leave it outside for more activation.

~Christina Dawn Eagle, Spiritual Psychic Medium