Religion is Taught. Spirituality is personal.

It can mean church, temple, synagogue, the woods, yoga, healing crystals, prayer and more. Spirituality is a unique and individual journey. For some a 1:1 personal relationship with the Creator, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, John Smith or whoever you pray to and find strength in. Don't EVER be afraid to find your own way.

No Religion by itself makes someone Spiritual. How one INTEGRATES the high vibrational beliefs of love, unity and understanding without judgment of others who may not have the same beliefs is what matters. It's also judgy as fuck for folks who consider themselves "Enlightened" or "Awakened" to look down upon others still finding their way. Each person has their own path. We are all just walking each other home.

It's not enough to just sit in a church, temple, synagogue or temple once a week. The real Spiritual work starts after folks go home and think about how they could do better and grow. It's easy to schedule 1-2 hrs on a Sunday to attend. It's hard to look at ourselves honestly and see where we may need to grow. My best advice around this is hold loosely to ingrained belief systems. You just may outgrow what no longer resonates and find a new path.

In the past there were more older people then younger people even looking for their own Spiritual truth. Today, especially after the first 6 months of 2020 more and more young people are seeking their own path. It's a very exciting time to be Lightworker! Godspeed to everyone searching for their own sacred truth. God doesn't care what religion you choose to label yourself with. What matters is how you treat people and act in the world.