New Moon in Pisces: Deep Emotions, Enhanced Intuition, Spiritual Connection and Clarity

Updated: Oct 20, 2021

This powerful New Moon in Pisces will have a lessened effect on Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer sun signs. This New Moon’s emotional intensity is deeply influenced by its close proximity with Venus and Neptune. This combination creates powerful transformative opportunities to open the heart chakra for self healing, forgiveness, letting go of and releasing any losses or grief that still hold one back to become more whole. It’s a portal for expanding, sending, receiving and feeling fully worthy of unconditional love for ourselves. Thus attracting it in healthier ways and much more easily from others. A perfect time to get out of your head and allow yourself to be more heart centered.

Along with increased intuition, deeper Spiritual connections, manifesting abilities, and compassion for self and others this Pisces New Moon in the 12th and final house of the Zodiac is the culmination of all the lessons learned from the previous 11 cycles. It’s main focus is on emotional aspects. Anything still unresolved on an emotional level will be brought to the surface. The next two weeks we’ll have the choice to lean in and grow and transcend, or stuff things back under the surface until the same energy cycle comes back around. Deliberately leaning IN to what this wise, old soul 12th house Moon is an opportunity to “wrap up” any unresolved issues or loose ends once and for all, dive DEEP into our soul and make shifts to be more deliberate about what we are manifesting. Accompanied by heightened intuition, this powerful cycle provides the fuel, awareness and clarity to level up and ascend on a soul level.

Tap into Creativity: Most Pisces Sun people are highly creative. Although Pisces is the 12th house, and many old souls are Pisces, being an old soul doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t still value and engage in different forms of creativity and artistic expression. It’s unfortunate that as many of us age, creativity becomes less and less of a priority. Creativity sparks our passions and our passions lead the way to our soul purpose. The soul benefits of being creative can be profound. It doesn’t matter if what you paint is a masterpiece or looks like a 2nd grader painted it. The benefit is in allowing your soul to freely express itself.

Creative expression helps deepen the conscious connection we have with our soul. When we don’t have the words to express feelings, creative expressions like painting, drawing, photography, dance, music, digital art, interior design, quilting, jewelry making, etc. help us process and release emotions we may not be fully conscious of. Spirit loves creativity and it enhances clairvoyance, the psychic ability of clear seeing. The more we allow ourselves to think creatively, or right brained, the more enhanced our intuition becomes. On a chakra level, creative expression also helps open up and balance the sacral chakra. For empaths, this is a POWERFUL tool to help rebalance the sacral chakra if underactive due to excessive people pleasing, poor boundaries, guilt, shame, self pity, stubborn pride, jealousy or lack of confidence.

Heightened Intuition: Neptune is the planet of intuition and listening to our inner voice. Pisces is the sign of heightened empathy and old soul wisdom. Together they create enhanced opportunities for spiritual downloads, inner knowing, trusting our perceptions, “A-ha!” moments and tapping into wisdom from not just this lifetime but past lives as well. If you’ve been hoping for clarity on a clouded situation, over the next two weeks that fog will lift. Be prepared for the possibility that you may not like what is revealed.

If you are clairvoyant and want to increase your intuitive connection, try creating your own symbol diary. A symbol diary is a dictionary of symbols that have assigned meanings that you and your Spirit Guides can use to communicate back and forth. A symbol like the cross could have over 1,000 different meanings to 1,000 different people. Don’t use Google. Go with the emotional and personal connection to define what a symbol means to you. Your higher self and Spirit know way more than Google. You already have your symbols and their associations in your subconscious mind. Use this portal to access that information and it will deepen your connection to yourself, your soul purpose, Angels and Spirit. If you want to learn more about enhancing your intuition, my Spring “Awakening Your Spiritual Gifts: Empath, Psychic and Mediumship Development Class” begins Saturday March 20th. To learn more or register click HERE. Save $100 with coupon: Blog100off

Deeper Spiritual Connections: This New Moon is paving the way for much deeper personal Spiritual connections. Enhancing this connection deepens faster the more we focus on our own inner healing work. We get in our own way. We often get mad at God when things don’t go the way we want. Keep reminding yourself that it’s not punishment, it simply means you have better coming. Pisces encourages us to find God within. Not seek it externally or define it by separation. God's not “Up there” in the sky somewhere sitting on a throne looking down at us. God is WITHIN all of us and we can access this Divine energy at any time. It’s not a matter of when God will show up, it’s when will WE show up to the presence of God in and around us all.

Listen to Your Heart's Wisdom: This is due to the Neptune/Venus stellium. This cycle helps open even the most closed of hearts. It’s an opportunity to integrate what the mind wants with what the heart wants. As a psychic I frequently get asked, “Is this my soul mate.” The truth is everyone is capable of answering this question for themselves. This disconnection can be healed by listening to the nudging of our heart and our head, getting clear on how they differ, honoring what your heart tells you without short changing yourself by overlooking red flags. The heart chakra is also called the “Seat of the Soul”, but not everyone is actually heart centered. This cycle may feel very uncomfortable to anyone who has avoided what their heart is telling them. Or for anyone in a toxic relationship with someone who has an amazing soul, but has a LOT of inner healing work to do before the relationship can truly blossom. You may not like the answer, but over the next two weeks your heart will speak to you very loudly. Listen, feel and grow. Don’t stuff, avoid and backslide requiring you to repeat the same cycle again to gain the lesson.

Redefine Healthy Boundaries: Pisces is the most empathetic sign in the Zodiac. Venus is also highlighting any relationship imbalances. Neptune is helping show us where we might be deliberately wearing rose colored glasses as a way to unsee red flags. Empathy and compassion often toe the line of codependency. Using healthy boundaries is a radical act of self care. It is NOT selfish. Don’t stay silent about your own needs. Never feel guilty about saying “No” when you need to. You don’t need to rationalize new boundaries to anybody else. If you struggle with taking care of everyone else before nurturing yourself, use this New Moon to review how, who and where you spend your time and energy. Think of your energy as currency. When we spend all day long and invest all we have in others, there is little left for us at the end of the day. Empaths are less effective healers when they have poor boundaries. Don’t confuse being an empath with thinking you’re meant to be anyone’s martyr or punching bag. The people that truly care about and respect you won’t have any issues with your new boundaries. Pay attention to those who fuss over, tantrum or aggressively object to new boundaries. They are simply showing you they prefer you didn’t have any because they benefit more by taking without reciprocating. Make a mental note of the people who continually object to you filling your own cup first and take steps to protect your energy accordingly.

Plunging Deeper Into Feelings: This will be more comfortable for water signs. Earth, Air and Fire signs will struggle with this initially. The deeper we allow ourselves to plunge, the more soul growth will occur. Any feelings that you have been avoiding will become glaringly apparent. Lean in to process, heal and release. Lean away and when the cycle returns you'll again be reminded of this soul work.

More open to Divine guidance: Many people pray. It’s harder to receive direct, objective answers without inserting our own wants, fears, desires and doubts. Pisces is the star sign of surrender and release. We know what we want. God knows what we need. The two are not always in alignment. Sometimes what we want is NOT what we need. Sometimes what we NEED is not what we want. Be more open to Divine guidance with humility. Be more intentional about letting go of the need to control and allowing yourself to be guided by Spirit. This will open up new doors you previously hadn’t considered but are more in alignment with your soul purpose. This message is also represented by the butterfly. Butterflies don’t have muscles in their wings like birds do to navigate the wind. When a butterfly takes flight and a strong breeze comes along, the butterfly goes where the wind takes it. The wind symbolizes faith. The butterfly may not consciously know where the winds of Spirit will take it. It trusts that releasing a need to control the journey opens us up to opportunities we may not have been aware of or considered before. Divine guidance often comes in the form of closed doors and lost opportunities. Instead of asking, “Why me!?” instead ask “What is this meant to teach me?” or “How can I grow from this experience?” God doesn't always guide us gently. Sometimes God drags us kicking and screaming when we are unable to trust and release. Whenever one door closes another one that’s more in alignment with your life purpose will soon open.

Reevaluate strained relationships: Venus rules relationships. Not just romantic relationships but also family, friends, ourselves, animals, and money. Anyplace there are strains will be brought front and center. Anything that has been swept under the rug, ignored or is limiting our growth and happiness will be clearly apparent. This is often very unpleasant. Even cringeworthy. This Pisces New Moon energy is a HUGE opportunity to inspire us to do things differently and invites us to see things in new ways.

More Aware of Subconscious Thoughts: Pisces rules the subconscious mind, which brings our attention inwards to our head chatter. Quite often negative or self defeating head chatter unintentionally manifests in the outer world in ways we aren’t fully conscious of. During this moon cycle thoughts manifest quicker. Both our conscious AND subconscious thoughts are always equally manifesting. The next two weeks are an excellent time to pay close attention to inner thoughts. Do a self audit of everything you are telling yourself. I find it helpful to ask three questions when self defeating thoughts rule us. Asking 1- Is this 100% truth? 2- Is it someone else’s opinion 3- Is it a false belief about myself rooted in self doubt/ Our thoughts are the beginning of creating our own reality and also shape and direct our outlook on life. Once one is fully aware of any self sabotaging or negative head chatter, we can change the narrative. Use this Pisces energy to begin replacing negative thought patterns with positive ones. Mantras can be very helpful here since we believe everything we tell ourselves. For every negative, self defeating thought you have, write down a positive mantra to contradict that false belief.

When we have little awareness of how our subconscious mind drives and shapes our lives we often unintentionally manifest things we don’t want.. Being very deliberate and highly aware of ALL our thoughts helps us more consciously co-create the outer world we seek within. Shifting our thoughts to be in alignment with the reality we want opens up many doors for new opportunities and growth.

Deeper Compassion for Self and Others: Pisces and the Neptune/Venus stellium are deeply influencing self compassion and compassion for others. It’s highlighting relationships where more compassion is needed. This cycle helps heal and open the heart chakra. If open and ready, this cycle brings a HUGE opportunity to tap into the transformative energies of forgiveness for self and others, and being less judgmental helps us meet people where THEY are instead of being resentful they aren’t where WE are.

Here at Earth School we each have our own curriculum, lessons and levels of consciousness. One of my favorite Maya Angelou quotes is, “Now that I know better, do better.” Do not keep beating yourself up for past mistakes. Showing ourselves compassion and allowing ourselves to be human and make mistakes helps us transform those experiences from a mistake into wisdom. Guilt and shame are not helpful for growth. The most important relationship one can have is the one with ourselves. It sets the standard for all the other relationships in our life. When we disapprove of someone else’s actions, instead of responding with judgement try to remember that we all grow at different paces. Deeper compassion for others includes understanding that not everyone has the same level of awareness, beliefs and motivations. This doesn’t make anyone more or less worthy of compassion. Every time someone judges, it reveals something unhealed within them. God gives us ALL free will. Live and let live and love expecting nothing in return.

Increased Manifesting Through Visualizations: This New Moon is bringing our attention inward. Our thoughts are the beginning of co-creating our reality. Manifesting includes both being clear on what we want, not sending mixed signals, being open to all the ways God and the Law of Attraction will respond to our intentions, identifying limiting belief systems, and becoming more aware of our subconscious thoughts. This doesn’t mean “only think happy thoughts.” Ignoring uncomfortable feelings, gut instincts, and avoiding doing our own inner healing shadow work limits what we can manifest. Again, we believe everything we tell ourselves. If you’re new to visualization, guided meditations are a great place to start.

Skipping the lessons that uncomfortable emotions are meant to teach us is very limiting to our growth. The best way to start manifesting is to first make peace with ourselves, recognize any blockages and do the healing work. Any lessons that were missed or ignored the first time around will keep returning until they are resolved. The more comfortable we are in our own skin, and the clearer we are with our intentions, the easier it is to manifest what we DO want. When what we want to manifest is aligned with our soul purpose, God will literally drop opportunities into your lap. Eliminating as much “static”, unresolved emotions and subconscious limiting beliefs is like giving God a very clear roadmap versus one with 100 different detours with no clear path.

This is a great time to make a vision board. Visualize the future reality you want to manifest. Imagine more than just the physical details. Also incorporate how you want to FEEL. Visualize yourself living in your future reality. Tune in and acknowledge where there may be some blockages within that need to be resolved. Work on getting every part of your soul aligned with the future reality you want to manifest. Many people stay stuck here as it’s unpleasant to acknowledge where we are self sabotaging. No one purposefully self sabotages. But most people can look back at earlier times in life when we were in our own way. This insight can be cringeworthy. Move through any uncomfortable emotions and ask yourself, “What did I learn from the experience?” We are all masters of our own energy. Because of free will we usually get in our own way more than anybody else does.

Fog Lifting Making it Harder to Ignore Red Flags: Anywhere there are strains in relationships will be brought to the front and center. Anything that has been intentionally or unintentionally avoided will resurface. This is an opportunity to make new choices, rethink our direction, reevaluate relationships and make new choices to reset our life trajectory with increased self awareness. DON’T KEEP UNSEEING RED FLAGS BECAUSE YOU DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE SOMETHING ABOUT SOMEONE. Believe people when they show how they feel about you. Codependency is tightly interwoven with unseeing red flags. It takes time to move through and overcome codependent traits. The first step is acknowledging the red flags. The second step is to ask yourself “Why am I choosing to un see the red flags?” The third step is to get deliberate about moving away from fixing other people to put our own needs first. Staying in toxic relationships does little to help either party evolve. There is so much toxicity in the “Twin Flame” community. Many are told they have to stay with their Twin Flame in order to fulfill their life purpose. This is simply not true. You can ‘t “fix” or heal anyone who doesn’t want to do that work themselves. Relationships are meant to help us grow and evolve. Not be a life sentence of dealing with emotional or physical abuse, raging addiction, infidelity or trauma.

Use this energy over the next few weeks to tune in within, dream, let your emotions guide you and explore new realms of consciousness through your intuition!


Are you ready to explore and develop your intuition, empathic abilities and connection to Spirit? My spring online "Awakening Your Spiritual Gifts: Empath, Psychic and Mediumship Development Class" begins next Saturday March 20th. Each session I accept 20 students from around the world who are ready to develop, understand and trust their empathic, intuitive and mediumship gifts. In this intensive course I teach numerous methods to develop and trust our sacred connections to others, our Angels, Spirit Guides, the Universe and Spirit. In this course I share powerful tools to help you grow on your awakening journey and integrate key strategies to increase clarity, discernment to actively use and trust your gifts.

Everyone who has taken my class has been able to expand on their abilities and connect to Spirit. Each person has their own unique style and gifts and in this class I help people understand what their unique abilities are tp help develop them. Over the years I've worked with many Spiritual Teachers and have combined all I've learned into this Class.

I only accept 20 students each session so registration closes once class is full. Each 2-3 hour class includes teaching a new concept, a psychic class exercise, question and answer time and a homework assignment. Session runs Saturday's for six weeks from March 20th from 10am-12:30pm Eastern Standard time. Some classes may run 3 hours. Each class is recorded so students can watch the replays when they can't attend live. This is the 8th time I've taught this class and I add MORE value to each session! This one is JAM PACKED with TONS OF FREEBIES! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER. SAVE AN ADDITIONAL $100 OFF WITH COUPON CODE: Blog100off